Strand 3: Developing PhD Student Entrepreneurs

Project Leads

Jerry Allen and Lynn Sheppard

Team Members

Hannah Williams
Fatemah Salehi Yazdi
Laura Etchells
Andy Westwood




This area of the research brings together UCL and The University of Manchester to address ‘developing entrepreneurial mind-sets in doctoral researchers’, enabling them to apply entrepreneurial thinking to their research and to gain confidence in the commercialisation space. The project will analyse our two models of extra-curricular entrepreneurship training, ICR and SPERO, capturing qualitative and quantitative data from PhD students in the form of interviews, focus groups and surveys.


This area of the research brings together UCL and The University of Manchester to address ‘developing entrepreneurial mind-sets in doctoral researchers’, enabling them to apply entrepreneurial thinking to their research and to gain confidence in the commercialisation space. The project will analyse our two models of extra-curricular entrepreneurship training, ICR and SPERO, capturing qualitative and quantitative data from PhD students in the form of interviews, focus groups and surveys


  1. Recruit and implement training with cohorts at The University of Manchester and UCL
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training programmes
  3. Deliver a workshop on the shared learning

LLAKES received ESRC legacy funding for three years from May 2019 to contribute towards the continuation of LLAKES as an ESRC-branded centre that builds on the impact of its existing research and develops this research is new ways which will deliver new impacts.


Full NameEmailRoleUni/dept
Jerry AllenStrand LeaderDirector for Entrepreneurship, UCL Innovation & Enterprise
Lynn SheppardStrand LeaderUoM, Director of the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre