Francis Green

Professor of Work and Education Economics, UCL Institute of Education, University College London


Education, Practice and Society


Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES)

Phone: 0207 911 5530
Office: 704

Role in LLAKES

PI for ‘Training, Skills and Skills Utilisation’ project

IRIS profile:

Personal web page

Research Interests

After graduating in Physics at Oxford, Francis Green switched to economics with an MSc at the London School of Economics, before writing his PhD thesis on the theory of saving at Birkbeck College. He began his career at the age of 22 at Kingston Polytechnic. After spells at the Universities of Massachusetts, Leicester, Leeds and Kent, in 2010 he moved to the Institute of Education (now a faculty of UCL), where he works in the LLAKES research centre and in the Centre for Global Higher Education.

My general interests lie in labour economics, education economics and political economy.I maintain an interdisciplinary approach in both research and teaching. My research focuses on skills, education, training, work quality and industrial relations issues. I have published more than 150 articles and eleven books, including Demanding Work. The Paradox of Job Quality in the Affluent Economy (Princeton University Press, 2006).  Skills and Skilled Work. An Economic and Social Analysis, was published in 2013 by Oxford University Press. His most recent book was co-authored with historian David Kynaston: Engines of Privilege. Britain\'s Private School Problem, Bloomsbury.

I will consider applications for PhD supervision using quantitative or mixed methods, on the topic of either private schooling or job quality (including skills).

Recent Outputs and Activities



  1. Publications on schools, mainly private schools (and related).

I will consider applications for PhD supervision on this topic.

Green, F. (2020).
Schoolwork in lockdown: new evidence on the epidemic of educational poverty. London: UCL Institute of Education, LLAKES Centre, Research Paper 67.

Wielgoszewska, B., Green, F. and Goodman, A. (2020) Finances and employment during lockdown - Initial findings from the COVID-19 Survey in Five National Longitudinal Studies. London: UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies.

Sullivan, A., S. Parsons, G. Ploubidis, D. Wiggins and F. Green. (2020, online forthcoming). Education and psychological distress in adolescence and mid-life: Do private schools make a difference? British Educational Research Journal. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3674

Wiggins, R.D., Parsons, S., Green, F., Ploubidis, G. and Sullivan, A. (2020) Does private schooling make you right-wing? An investigation using the 1970 British Cohort Study. CLS Working Paper 2020/8. London: UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies.

Green, F. (2020). Private Schools: Choice and Effects. The Economics of Education: A Comprehensive Overview, Second Edition. S. Bradley and C. Green. London, Academic Press: 519-530.

Anders, J.,  F. Green, M. Henderson and G. Henseke (2020 online). “Determinants of Private School Participation: all about the money?”. British Educational Research Journal.

Green, F. and D. Kynaston (2019). Engines of Privilege: Britain\'s Private School Problem. London, Bloomsbury. Audio:

Henderson, M., J. Anders, F. Green and G. Henseke (2020). \"Private Schooling, Subject Choice, Upper Secondary Attainment and Progression to University.\" Oxford Review of Education 46(295-312).

Foliani, F., Green, F. and Sartarelli, M. (2019 online). ‘Away from Home, Better at School. The Case of a British Boarding School.’ Economics of Education Review.

Green, F., J. Anders, M. Henderson and G. Henseke (2019 online). \"Private benefits? External benefits? Outcomes of private schooling in 21st Century Britain.\" Journal of Social Policy.

Green, F. and D. Kynaston (2019). \"The Necessity of Reforming Britain’s Private Schools.\" Forum 61(281-288).

Green, F. and D. Kynaston (2019) “What should be done about the private schools?”.  In S. Konzelmann, S. Himmelweit, J. Smith and J. Weeks (eds) “Rethinking Britain. Policy Ideas for the Many”. Bristol, Policy Press.

Sullivan, A., S. Parsons, F. Green, R. D. Wiggins and G. Ploubidis (2018). \"Elite universities, fields of study, and top salaries: which degree will make you rich?\" British Educational Research Journal 44(4): 663–680.

Green, F., G. Henseke, Samantha Parsons, A. Sullivan and R. Wiggins (2018). \"Do private school girls marry rich?\" Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Journal, 9(3) 327-350.

Sullivan, A., S. Parsons, F. Green, R. Wiggins, G. Ploubidis and T. Huynh (2018). \"Educational attainment in the short and long term: was there an advantage to attending faith, private and selective schools for pupils in the 1980s?\" Oxford Review of Education 1-17.

Bryson, A. and F. Green (2018). \"Do Private Schools Manage Better?\" National Institute Economic Review.  243 (1), R17-R26

Parsons, S., Green, F., Ploubidis, G.B., Sullivan, A. & Wiggins, R.D. (2017). \"The influence of private primary schooling on children\'s learning: Evidence from three generations of children living in the UK.\" British Education Research Journal, October 2017, 43(5), 823-847. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3300.

Foliani, F., F. Green and M. Sartarelli (2017) \"Can Talented Pupils with Low Socio-economic Status Shine? Evidence from a Boarding School\". Valencian Institute of Economic Research, 2017 – 05.

Sullivan, A., S. Parsons, F.Green, G. Ploubidis and R. Wiggins (2017). “The path from social origins to top jobs: social reproduction via education”. British Journal of Sociology.

Green, F., S. Parsons, A. Sullivan and R. Wiggins (2018).Dreaming Big? Self-Evaluations, Aspirations, Valued Social Networks, and the Private School Earnings Premium in the UK”. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 42 (3), 757-778. doi:10.1093/cje/bex023

Wiborg, S., F. Green, P. Taylor-Gooby and R. Wilde (2017 online). \"Free Schools in England: ‘Not unlike other schools’?\" Journal of Social Policy. DOI:

Green, F., Henseke, G. and Vignoles, A. (2017) \"Private schooling and labour market outcomes\". British Educational Research Journal. 43 (1), 7-28.

Pensiero, N. and Green, F. (2017). \"Out-of-School-Time Study Programmes: do they work?\" Oxford Review of Education. 43 (1): 127-147.

Wilde, R., Green, F. Taylor-Gooby, P. and Wiborg, S. (2016). Private Schools and the Provision of \"Public Benefit\". Journal of Social Policy. 45(2): 305-323.

Green, F., R. Allen and A. Jenkins (2015) “Are Free Schools Socially Selective? A Quantitative Analysis”. British Educational Research Journal. 41 (6), 907-924.

Sullivan, A., S. Parsons, R. Wiggins, A. Heath and F. Green (2014). \"Social origins, school type and higher education destinations.\" Oxford Review of Education 40 (6), 739-763.

Green, F., S. Machin, R. Murphy and Y. Zhu (2012). \"The Changing Economic Advantage from Private Schools.\" Economica 79: 658-679.

Green, F. and A. Vignoles (2012). \"An Empirical Method for Deriving Grade Equivalence For University Entrance Qualifications: An Application to A Levels and the International Baccalaureate” Oxford Review of Education. 38 (4), 473-491.

Other Articles on Schools (Non-Refereed)/Online/Blogs.

Big Issue: March 2019.

Conversation: March 2019.

Green, F. (2017)\"Why do privately educated people in Britain earn more\".

Pensiero, N. and Green, F. (2016) \"Are out-of-school-time (OST) study programmes an effective way to improve the academic performance of socially disadvantaged children?\" Research Briefing, UCL Institute of Education.

Private schools are booming -- but what do you really get for your money? The Conversation, 3rd July 2014.

  1. Publications on higher education and graduate labour markets.

I am taking no more applications for PhD supervision on this topic.

Henseke, G. and Green, F. (2020) Singapore’s Graduate Labour Market, 2013/2017: A Task-based Analysis, Research Paper 68, Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies

Green, F. and G. Henseke (2020). Graduate Employment and Under-Employment: Trends and Prospects. Changing Higher Education for a Changing World. C. Callender, W. Locke and S. Marginson. London, Bloomsbury.

de Gayardon, A., C. Callender and F. Green (2019). “The determinants of student loan take-up in England”. Higher Education, 78, 965-983.

Henseke, G. and F. Green (2017) “Cross-national Deployment of “Graduate Jobs”: Analysis Using a New Indicator Based on High Skills Use\". Research In Labor Economics. Skill Mismatch in Labour Markets, 45, pp 41-79. Also in: Polachek, S and Pouliakas, K and Russo, G and Tatsiramos, K, (eds.) Skill Mismatch in Labor Markets. (pp. 41-79). Emerald: Bingley, UK

Green, F. and G. Henseke (2016) \"Should governments of OECD countries worry about graduate underemployment?\" Oxford Review of Economic Policy.  32(4): 514-537.

Green, F. and G. Henseke (2016). \"The Changing Graduate Labour Market: Analysis Using a New Indicator of Graduate Jobs\". IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 5:14.

  1. Publications on skills and job quality.

(I will consider applications for PhD supervision on this topic involving quantitative or mixed methods.)

Green, F., Felstead, A., Gallie, D., & Henseke, G. (2021). Working Still Harder. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, forthcoming.

Felstead, A., D. Gallie, F. Green and G. Henseke (2020). Unlocking potential: ways of tapping into employees\' ideas to enhance productivity. Can Good Work Solve the Productivity Puzzle? G. Irvine. London, Carnegie Trust and RSA.

Felstead, A., D. Gallie, F. Green and G. Henseke (2020, online). “Getting The Measure Of Employee-Driven Innovation And Its Workplace Correlates”.  British Journal of Industrial Relations.

Felstead, A., D. Gallie, F. Green and G. Henseke (2019, online). \"Unpredictable Times: The Extent, Characteristics and Corrleates of Insecure Hours of Work in Britain.\" Industrial Relations Journal.

Felstead, A., D. Gallie, F. Green and G. Henseke (2019). \"Conceiving, Designing And Trailing A Short Form Measure Of Job Quality: A Proof Of Concept Study\" Industrial Relations Journal 50(1): 2-9.

Felstead, A., D. Gallie, F. Green and G. Henseke (2019). \"The determinants of skills use and work pressure: A longitudinal analysis.\" Economic and Industrial Democracy. 40(3) 730-754.

Gallie, D., Y. Zhou, A. Felstead, F. Green and G. Henseke (2017). \"The implications of direct participation for organisational commitment, job satisfaction and affective psychological well-being: a longitudinal analysis.\" Industrial Relations Journal 48(2): 174-191.

Green, F. and Henseke, G. (2019). ‘Training Trends in Britain’. Research Paper 22, Unionlearn, TUC.

Gallie, D., A. Felstead, F. Green and H. Inanc (2017). \"The Hidden Face of Job Insecurity.\" Work, Employment and Society 31(1): 36-53.

Green, F., A. Felstead, D. Gallie and G. Henseke (2016). “Skills and Work Organisation in Britain: A Quarter Century of Change”. Journal for Labour Market Research. 49 (2), 121-132.  doi:10.1007/s12651-016-0197-x. Also, see editorial for this volume. RG3

Green, F. (2015 online). “Health Effects of Insecurity”. IZA World of Labor 2015: 212.

Green, A., F. Green and N. Pensiero (2015). Cross-Country Variation in Adult Skills Inequality. Why are the Anglophone Countries so Unequal? Comparative Education Review. Autumn. 59 (4):595-618.

Green, F., A. Felstead, D. Gallie, H. Inanc and N. Jewson (2016). \"The Declining Volume of Workers\' Training in Britain.\" British Journal of Industrial Relations. 54 (2) pp. 422-448.

Felstead, A., D. Gallie, Green, F.  and H. Inanc (2015). “Fits, misfits and interactions: learning at work, job satisfaction and job-related employee well-being”. Human Resource Management Journal. 25: 3, 294–310.

Green, F., A. Felstead, D. Gallie and H. Inanc (2016). \"Job-Related Well-Being Through the Great Recession.\" Journal of Happiness Studies. 17(1), 389-411.

Felstead, A., F.Green, and D. Gallie (2016) \"Measuring the contours of skills: stock, demand and mismatch\" in Buchanan, J., D. Finegold, K. Mayhew and C. Warhurst (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Inanc, H., Y. Zhou, A. Felstead, D. Gallie and F. Green (2015). \"Direct Participation and Employee Learning at Work.\" Work and Occupations. 42 (4) 447-475.

Jewson, J., A. Felstead and F. Green (2015). \"Training In The Public Sector In A Period Of Austerity: The Case Of The UK.\" Journal of Education and Work. 28(3) 228-249.

Green, F. & Mason, G. 2015. \'Skills and training for a more innovation-intensive economy.\' In D. Bailey, K. Cowling & P. Tomlinson (Eds.) New Perspectives on Industrial Policy for a Modern Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Green, F., Felstead, A. & Gallie, D. 2015. \'The inequality of job quality in Britain.\' In F. Green, A. Felstead & D. Gallie (Eds.) Unequal Britain At Work. The Evolution and Distribution of Job Quality. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-871284-8.

Bryson, A. & Green, F. 2015. \'Unions and job quality.\' In F. Green, A. Felstead & D. Gallie (Eds.) Unequal Britain At Work. The Evolution and Distribution of Job Quality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Felstead, A., Gallie, D. & Green, F. 2015. \'Policies for Improving Job Quality.\' In F. Green, A. Felstead & D. Gallie (Eds.) Unequal Britain At Work. The Evolution and Distribution of Job Quality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gallie, D, Felstead, A, Green, F and Inanc, H, (2014) ‘The quality of work in Britain over the economic crisis’ International Review of Sociology—Revue Internationale de Sociologie, Vol. 24, No. 2, 1–18.

Green, F., T. Mostafa, A. Parent-Thirion, G. Vermeylen, G. V. Houten, I. Biletta and M. Lyly-Yrjanainen (2013). \"Is Job Quality Becoming More Unequal?\" Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 66 (4), 753-84.

Dickerson, A. and F. Green (2012) \"Fears and Realisations of Employment Insecurity\", Labour Economics, 19 (2), 198-210.

Green, F. (2012). \"Employee Involvement, Technology and Evolution in Job Skills: A Task-Based Analysis\", Industrial and Labor Relations Review,  65 (1), 35-66.

Felstead, A., F. Green, and N. Jewson (2012). \"An Analysis of the Impact of the 2008-09 Recession on the Provision of Training in the UK\", Work, Employment and Society 26 (6), 968-986.

Gallie, D., Y. Zhou, A. Felstead and F. Green (2012). \"Teamwork, Skill Development and Employee Welfare.\" British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (1): 23-46.

Gallie, D., Felstead, A. & Green, F. (2012). \'Job preferences and the intrinsic quality of work: the changing attitudes of British employees 1992–2006.\' Work, Employment & Society, 26: October, 806-21.

Green, F. (2012) \"Concetti, teorie e misure della qualita del lavoro\", Sociologia Del Lavoro 127, 52-69.

Green, F., S. Machin, R. Murphy and Y. Zhu (2011). \"The Changing Economic Advantage from Private Schools.\" Economica 79: 658-679.

Green, F. (2011). \"Unpacking the misery multiplier: how employability modifies the impacts of unemployment and job insecurity on life satisfaction and mental health.\" Journal of Health Economics, 30 (2), 265-276. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2010.12.005.

Collier, W., F. Green, Y.-B. Kim and J. Peirson (2011). \"Education, Training and Economic Performance: Evidence from Establishment Survival Data\", Journal of Labor Research. 32 (4) 336-361. DOI 10.1007/s12122-011-9116-7.

Bryson A, Green F, Bridges S, Craig R. (2011). \"Well-being, health and work\". In Craig R, Mindell J (eds). Health Survey for England 2010. Leeds: The NHS Information Centre. ISBN 978-1-84636-636-9. Also published as NIESR Discussion Paper No. 387. Feb 2012.

\"Job Quality in Britain Under The Labour Government\" in Gregg, P. and Wadsworth, J. The Labour Market in Winter: The State of Working Britain,  Oxford University Press, 2011.  pp111-127.

Green, F. (2010). \"Well-being, job satisfaction and labour mobility.\" Labour Economics 17 (6): 897-903. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2010.04.002.

Green, F. and Y. Zhu (2010). Overqualification, Job Dissatisfaction, and Increasing Dispersion in the Returns to Graduate Education.  Oxford Economic Papers, 62, 740-763, 2010; doi:10.1093/oep/gpq002.

Felstead, A., D. Gallie, F. Green and Y. Zhou (2010). \"Employee Involvement, the Quality of Training and the Learning Environment: An Individual-Level Analysis.\" International Journal of Human Resource Management 21 (10): 1667-1688. 0958-5192; DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2010.500489.


Green, F. and Henseke, G. (2019). ‘Training Trends in Britain’. Research Paper 22, Unionlearn, TUC.

Bryson, A. and F. Green (2018). \"Do Private Schools Manage Better?\" IZA Discussion Paper No. 11373.

Green, F., Anders, J., Henderson, M., & Henseke, G. 2018. Who Chooses Private Schooling in Britain and Why? London: Centre for Research on Learning and Life Chances (LLAKES), Research Paper 62.

Gallie, D., Felstead, A., Green, F., and Henseke, G. 2018. Participation at work in Britain. First findings from the Skills and Employment Survey 2017. Project Report. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, UCL Institute of Education.

Gallie, D., Felstead, A., Green, F., and Henseke, G. Fairness at work in Britain: first findings from the skills and employment survey 2017. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, UCL Institute of Education.

Felstead, A., Gallie, D. Green, F. and Henseke, G. 2018. Productivity in Britain: The workers\' perspective. First findings from the Skills and Employment Survey 2017. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, UCL Institute of Education.

Felstead, A., Gallie, D. Green, F. and Henseke, G.. 2018. Insecurity at work in Britain: First findings from the Skills and Employment Survey 2017. Project Report. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, UCL Institute of Education

Green, F., Felstead, A., Gallie, D. and Henseke, G 2018. Work intensity in Britain: First findings from the Skills and Employment Survey 2017. Project Report. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, UCL Institute of Education.

Henseke, G. Felstead, A., Gallie, D. and Green, F. 2018. Skills trends at work in Britain: First findings from the skills and employment survey 2017. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, UCL Institute of Education.

Foliani, F., F. Green and M. Sartarelli (2017) \"Can Talented Pupils with Low Socio-economic Status Shine? Evidence from a Boarding School\". Valencian Institute of Economic Research, 2017 – 05.

Green, F. and G. Henseke (2017) “Graduates and ‘Graduate Jobs’ in Europe: A Picture of Growth and Diversification”. Centre for Global and Higher Participation (CGHE) Working Paper 25.

Evidence presented to House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee’s inquiry on the UK and the economics of higher education, further education and vocational training. 2017.

Green, F. (2016) “Skills Demand, Training and Skills Mismatch: A Review of Key Concepts, Theory and Evidence.”  Evidence presented to Go Science and Foresight project: “Future of Skills and Lifelong Learning”.

Henseke, G. and F. Green  (2016), \"Graduate Jobs\" in OECD Countries: Analysis Using A New Indicator Based on High Skills Use\", OECD Education Working Papers, No. 144, OECD Publishing, Paris.

Felstead, A., F. Green and N. Jewson (2013). Training in Recession: The impact of the 2008-2009 recession on training at work, UK Commission for Employment and Skills, Evidence Report 72.

Green, F. and A. Felstead. (2013) What’s Been Happening To Training? The Workers’ Perspective, Skills Development Scotland, Skills in Focus series.

Felstead, A. and F. Green. (2013) Underutilization, Overqualification And Skills Mismatch: Patterns And Trends, Skills Development Scotland, Skills in Focus series

Felstead, A., Gallie, D., Green, F. & Inanc, H. 2013. Skills At Work In Britain. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, Institute of Education.

Felstead, A., Gallie, D., Green, F. & Inanc, H. 2013. Work Intensification In Britain. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, Institute of Education.

Gallie, D., Felstead, A., Green, F. & Inanc, H. 2013. Fear At Work In Britain. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, Institute of Education.

Green, F., Gallie, D., Felstead, A. & Inanc, H. 2013. Job-Related Well-Being in Britain. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, Institute of Education.

Green, F., Gallie, D., Felstead, A. & Inanc, H. 2013. Training In Britain. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, Institute of Education.

Inanc, H., Gallie, D., Felstead, A. & Green, F. 2013. Job Control In Britain. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, Institute of Education.

Green, F. and T. Mostafa (2012) Trends in Job Quality in Europe. A Report Based On The Fifth European Working Conditions Survey. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.