Professor Francis Green gave the keynote speech on Tuesday 18th September to the 1st Forum on Higher Education and the Labour Market, Nuremberg. ‘Pulling Apart? A Decade of Change in Europe’s Graduate Labour Markets’. The forum, the first of a planned annual series, was sponsored jointly by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and by The Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Research Institute of the Federal Employment Agency. His speech examined how the supply and demand for graduates has changed in European countries over the decade from 2005 to 2015, and the slow growth of graduate underemployment in some countries in this period that spans the global financial crisis. His talk concluded with a study of changes in the dispersion of the graduate wage premium. Researchers from both Germany and elsewhere in Europe were in attendance.
Francis Green delivers Keynote to the 1st Forum on Higher Education and the Labour Market

28 September 2018