4.15 to 5.45 pm, 13 June 2017, Room 639, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
Presenter: Gabriella Melis
There is consistent evidence to demonstrate the detrimental and long-term effects on academic and occupational attainment of growing up in a socio-economically disadvantaged family, as well as on the health and wellbeing of the offspring generation. However, previous research has recognised the empirical challenges of trying to assess comprehensively the ways in which socio-economic risk factors co-occur. The experience of poverty does not occur in isolation, but is often compounded by other family-level structural, social, and psychological stressors.
Moving beyond approaches focusing on cumulative risk indices, this study uses Latent Class Analysis (LCA) to examine how different socio-economic risk factors combine within families, and to what extent constellations of risk are transmitted from one generation to the next. We draw on data collected for the longitudinal 1970 British Cohort Study to examine whether constellations of risk are transmitted from one generation to the next. In our analysis we take into account indicators of low-level educational and occupational attainment, worklessness, family instability, poor housing conditions, ethnicity, as well as mental and physical health problems.
Gabriella Melis has been working as a Research Associate for LLAKES since June 2015, as a member of the research teams ‘Youth, Inter-generational mobility and civic values’ and ‘Education, inequality and social cohesion’, and recently completed her PhD in Social Statistics at the University of Manchester’s CCSR/CMIST. Her role at LLAKES is centred around advanced quantitative analysis on cross-sectional and longitudinal datasets, such as the British birth cohort studies, BHPS-UKHLS, CELS, and WVS-EVS, for the examination of the topic of inter-generational transmission of socio-economic factors and socio-political participation.
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