Recent Outputs and Activities
Biasin, C. & Evans, K. (2019). Agency, identity and learning at turning points in women’s lives: A comparative UK-Italian analysis. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults. doi:10.3384/rela.2000-7426.rela915
Bound, H., Evans, K., Sadik, S., & Karmel, A. (2018). How Non-Permanent Workers Learn and Develop: Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-10311-5
Allan, H. T., Magnusson, C., Evans, K., Horton, K., Curtis, K., Ball, E., & Johnson, M. (2018). Putting knowledge to work in clinical practice: Understanding experiences of preceptorship as outcomes of interconnected domains of learning. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, 27(1-2), 123-131. doi:10.1111/jocn.13855
Franceschelli, M. F., Schoon, I. S., & Evans, K. E. (2017). ‘Your past makes you who you are’: retrospective parenting and relational resilience amongst Black Caribbean British young people. Sociological Research Online. doi:10.1177/1360780417726957
Evans, K. (2017). Bounded agency in professional lives. In M. Goller, & S. Paloniemi (Eds.), Agency at work. Cham.: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60943-0_2
Evans, K., & Biasin, C. (2017). Exploring agency, learning and
identity in women’s life trajectories
in United Kingdom and Italy - Exploración de la agencia, el aprendizaje y la identidad en las trayectorias de vida de las mujeres en el Reino Unido e Italia. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 0(29), 15. doi:10.5944/reec.29.2017.17212
Magnusson, C., Allan, H., Horton, K., Johnson, M., Evans, K., & Ball, E. (2017). An analysis of delegation styles among newly qualified nurses.. Nurs Stand, 31(25), 46-53. doi:10.7748/ns.2017.e9780
Kersh, N., & Evans, K. (2017). Exploring working places and self-generated learning spaces: concepts, perspectives and cases from the United Kingdom. In A. Ostendorf, & C. Permpoonwiwat (Eds.), Workplaces as learning spaces- conceptual and empirical insights (pp. 15-34). Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press. doi:10.15203/3122-73-4
Evans, K., & Kersh, N. (2017). Competence Development and Workplace Learning: enduring Challenges in the Interplay of Policy and Practice in the UK. In M. Mulder (Ed.), Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41713-4
Evans, K. (2016). Reflections on Ulrich Beck’s legacy in the field of youth transitions and employment. Work, Employment and Society, 30(5), 891-892. doi:10.1177/0950017016645733
Evans, K. (2016). Higher vocational learning and knowledgeable practice. The newly qualified practitioner at work.. In S. Loo, & G. Jameson (Eds.), Vocationalism in Further and Higher Education Policy, Programmes and Pedagogy (pp. 117-130). Abingdon: Routledge.
Evans, K. (2016). Apprendre tout au long de la vie : une question d’agentivité limitée. Education Permanente, (207), 105-114. Retrieved from
Evans, K., Behrens, M., & Kaluza, J. (2016). Learning and Work in the Risk Society Lessons for the Labour Markets of Europe from Eastern Germany. Springer.
Allan, H. T., Magnusson, C., Evans, K., Ball, E., Westwood, S., Curtis, K., . . . Johnson, M. (2016). Delegation and supervision of healthcare assistants' work in the daily management of uncertain and the unexpected in clinical practice: Invisible learning among newly qualified nurses. Nursing Inquiry. doi:10.1111/nin.12155
Kersh, N., & Evans, K. (2016). Informal learning in UK – The significance of adult informal learning for economic and social life in the United Kingdom. In M. Harring, M. Witte, & T. Burger (Eds.), Handbook of Informal Learning/Handbuch Informelles Lernen (pp. 204-216). Werderstr: Beltz Juventa.
Evans, K. M. (2015). Developing knowledgeable practice at work. In Sustainable Development in Organizations Studies on Innovative Practices. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Evans, K. (2015). Apprentissage tout au long de la vie: : politique sociale et agentivité individuelle. Savoirs, 37, 11-33. Retrieved from
Franceschelli, M., Evans, K., & Schoon, I. (2015). A fish out of water? The therapeutic narratives of working class adults into higher education.. Current Sociology. Retrieved from
Johnson, M., Magnusson, C., Allan, H., Evans, K., Ball, E., Horton, K., . . . Westwood, S. (2015). 'Doing the writing' and 'working in parallel': How 'distal nursing' affects delegation and supervision in the emerging role of the newly qualified nurse. Nurse Education Today, 35(2), e29-e33. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2014.11.020
Allan, H. T., Magnusson, C., Horton, K., Evans, K., Ball, E., Curtis, K., & Johnson, M. (2015). People, liminal spaces and experience: Understanding recontextualisation of knowledge for newly qualified nurses. Nurse Education Today, 35(2), e78-e83. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2014.10.018
Evans, K. (2014). Base Lifelong Learning Policy on a new four-stage model of the educational life course.. Adults Learning, 26(1), 10-12. Retrieved from
Allan, H., Magnusson, C., Horton, K., Evans, K., Ball, E., Curtis, K., & Johnson, M. (2014). People, liminal spaces and experience: Understanding recontextualisation of knowledge for newly qualified nurses. : Understanding recontextualisation of knowledge for newly qualified nurses.. Nurse Education Today, Nurse(2), i78-i83. Retrieved from
Jun, S., & Evans, K. (2014). Learning Organisations for Older People: comparing models of learning in the University of Third Age (U3A) in the UK and the Senior University (SU) in Korea. World Studies in Education, 15(2), 53-72. Retrieved from
Evans, K., & Kersh, N. (2014). Training and Workplace Learning. In K. Kraiger, J. Passmore, N. R. Santos, & S. Malvezzi (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of The Psychology of Training, Development and Performance Improvement. Chichester. Retrieved from
Evans, K., Kontiainen, S., Schoon, I., & Weale, M. (2014). Interdisciplinarity in Action : Building and using a conceptual Infrastructure for interdisciplinary studies of risk. London: LLAKES. Retrieved from
Evans, K. (2014). Lifelong Learning is no longer an empty social science concept: an interview with Karen Evans. Studia Paedagogica, 19(3), 123-137. Retrieved from
Evans, K. (2014). Rethinking the workplace as a learning space. Journal of Research and Practice in Adult Literacy, 82, 2-6. Retrieved from
Waite, E., Evans, K., & Kersh, N. (2014). The challenge of establishing sustainable workplace ‘Skills for Life’ provision in the UK: organisational ‘strategies’ and individual ‘tactics’. Journal of Education and Work, 27(2), 199-219. doi:10.1080/13639080.2012.742180
Evans, K., Schoon, I., & Weale, M. (2013). Can lifelong learning reshape life chances?. British Journal of Educational Studies, 61(1), 25-47. Retrieved from
Evans, K., & Field, J. (2013). Editorial Introduction. British Journal of Educational Studies, 61(1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/00071005.2012.756160
Helve, H. & K. Evans (Eds.), Youth and Work Transitions in Changing Social Landscapes. London: Tufnell Press. Retrieved from
Evans, K., & Waite, E. (2013). ‘Activating events’ in adult learners’ lives : understanding learning and life chances through a retrospective lens. In H. Helve, & K. Evans (Eds.), Youth and Work Transitions in Changing Social Landscapes. London: Tufnell Press. Retrieved from
Evans, K. (2013). Learning through the life course : social policy vs individual agency. In R. Hiemstra, & P. Carre (Eds.), A feast of learning. Charlotte, USA: Information Age Publishing. Retrieved from
Evans, K. and Biasin, C. (2014): ‘Agency, identity and learning at turning points in women's lives: towards a comparative UK-Italian analysis.’ Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research, University of Porto, Portugal, 2-5 September 2014.
Evans, K. and Schoon, I. (2015) Becoming Adults in 21st Century Britain – where next for youth transition policies? UKCES Masterclass, BIS Conference Centre, Westminster, London.