Janmaat, J.G. (forthcoming). ‘School Social Segregation and Social Inequalities in Political Engagement among 16 to 20 year olds in Fourteen Countries’, Research Papers in Education
Janmaat, J.G. and Hoskins, B. (forthcoming). ‘The changing impact of family background on political engagement during adolescence and early adulthood’, Social Forces.
Henseke, G. (2017) Good jobs, good pay, better health? The effects of job quality on health among older European workers. The European Journal of Health Economics (2017) (In press).
Hoskins, B., Leonard, P. & Wilde, R. (2017). Negotiating uncertain economics times: youth employment strategies in England. British Educational Research Journal, 1-24. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3318
Lyons-Amos, M.J. and Schoon I. (2017). Employment and Family Transitions in the UK: Trends before and after the Great Recession in I.Schoon & J.Bynner (Eds.). Young People’s Development and the Great Recession: Uncertain Transitions and Precarious Futures
Schoon I. & Bynner, J. (2017). Conceptualizing youth transitions in times of economic upheaval and uncertainty. In I.Schoon & J.Bynner (Eds.). Young People’s Development and the Great Recession: Uncertain Transitions and Precarious Futures
Schoon I. & Lyons-Amos, M. (2017). A socio-ecological model of agency. The role of psycho-social and socio-economic resources in shaping education and employment transitions in England. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 8(1), 35-56
Schoon I. & Mortimer, J.T. (2017). Youth and the Great Recession – are values, achievement orientation and outlook to the future affected? International Journal of Psychology, 52(1), 1-8
Schoon, I. & Bynner J. (Eds.) (2017). Young People’s Development and the Great Recession: Uncertain Transitions and Precarious Futures. Cambridge University Press
Schoon, I. & Silbereisen, R.K (Eds.) (2017). Pathways to Adulthood: How do Social Inquality, Individual Motivation, and Social Change matter? UCL Institute of Education Press
Schoon, I. (2017). Making it against the odds: diverse strategies and successful adaptation. In A. C. Peterson, S. H. Koller, F. Motti-Stefanidi, & S. Verma (Eds.), Positive youth development in global contexts of social and economic change. New York: Routledge
Schoon, I., & Ng-Knight, T. (2017). Co-development of educational expectations and effort: their antecedents and role as predictors of academic success. Research in Human Development
Wiborg, S. and Larsen, K.R. (2017) ‘Why School Choice Reforms in Denmark Fail: The Blocking Power of the Teacher Union’, European Journal of Education, 52 (1) 92-103
Wiborg, S., Green, F., Taylor-Gooby, P. and Wilde, R. (2017 online). “Free Schools in England: ‘Not unlike other schools’?”, Journal of Social Policy. doi.org/10.1017/S004727941700023X
Wilde, R. & Leonard, P. (2017). Youth enterprise: the role of gender and life stage in motivations, aspirations and measures of success. Journal of Education and Work. DOI: 10.1080/13639080.2017.1421311
Green, F., A. Felstead, D. Gallie and H. Inanc (2016). “Job-Related Well-Being Through the Great Recession.” Journal of Happiness Studies.http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10902-014-9600-x
Dorsett, R., Lui, S. & Weale, M. (2016) The effect of lifelong learning on men’s wages Empirical Economics. Vol 51. pp737-762
Evans, K., & Biasin, C. (2016). Agency, Learning and Identity in Women’s Life Trajectories. Savoirs, 42(3), 71. DOI:10.3917/savo.042.0071
Felstead, A., D. Gallie, F. Green and G. Henseke (2016 online). “The determinants of skills use and work pressure: A longitudinal analysis.” Economic and Industrial Democracy. . DOI: 10.1177/0143831X16656412 http://eid.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/07/01/0143831X16656412.full.pdf+html
Felstead, A., F. Green, and D. Gallie (2016) “Measuring the contours of skills: stock, demand and mismatchin Buchanan, J., D. Finegold, K. Mayhew and C. Warhurst (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Fuller, A. (2016) ‘Applying an Apprenticeship Approach to HRD: Why the concepts of occupation, identity, and the organisation of workplace learning still matter’. In Shipton, H. Human Resource Management, Innovation and Performance
Gallie, D., A. Felstead, F. Green and H. Inanc (2016 online). “The Hidden Face of Job Insecurity.” Work, Employment and Society. http://wes.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/01/29/0950017015624399.full.pdf+html
Green, A. and Pensiero, N. (2016) ‘Comparative Perspectives: Education and Training System Effects on Youth Transitions and Opportunities’ in Schoon, I. and Bynner, J, (eds), Young People and the Great Recession: Preparing for an Uncertain Future, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Green, A. and Pensiero, N. (2016) ‘The Effects of Upper Secondary Education and Training Systems on Skills Inequality. A Quasi-Cohort Analysis using PISA 2000 and the OECD Survey of Adult Skills.’ British Education Research Journal, 45, 2, pp. 756-779. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/berj.3236/epdf
Green, F. and G. Henseke (2016) “Should governments of OECD countries worry about graduate underemployment?” Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Green, F. and G. Henseke (2016). “The Changing Graduate Labour Market: Analysis Using a New Indicator of Graduate Jobs”. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 5:14
Green, F., A. Felstead, D. Gallie and G. Henseke (2016). “Skills and Work Organisation in Britain: A Quarter Century of Change”. Journal for Labour Market Research. 49 (2), 121-132. doi:10.1007/s12651-016-0197-x. OA. Also, see editorial for this volume
Ng-Knight, T. & Schoon, I. (2016). Disentangling the influence of socioeconomic risks on children’s early self-control. Journal of Personality
Schoon, I. & Lyons-Amos, M. (2016) Diverse pathways in becoming an adult: the role of structure, agency and context. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. ISSN 02765624
Green, F., A. Felstead, D. Gallie, H. Inanc and N. Jewson (2016). “The Declining Volume of Workers’ Training in Britain.” British Journal of Industrial Relations. 54 (2) pp. 422-448. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjir.12130/abstract. GOA 5/17
Green, F., Henseke, G. and Vignoles, A. (2016 online). “Private schooling and labour market outcomes”. British Educational Research Journal
Moe, T. and Wiborg S. (2016) The Comparative Politics of Education: Teachers Unions and Education Systems Around the World. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
Parker, P. D., Jerrim, J., Schoon, I., & Marsh, H. W. (2016). A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education: The Role of Between-School Tracking and Ability Stratification. American Educational Research Journal, 53(1), 6-32. Doi:10.3102/0002831215621786
Schoon, I. & Mullin, A.S. (2016). Crime involvement and family formation among men and women. Evidence from the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study. Advances in Life Course Research, 28, 22-20
Symonds, J., Schoon, I. & Salmela-Aro, K. (2016). Developmental trajectories and emotional disengagement from schoolwork and their longitudinal associations in England. British Educational Research Journal
Wiborg, S. (2016) ‘Teachers unions in England: the end is nigh?’ Chapter 3 in Moe, T. and Wiborg S. The Comparative Politics of Education: Teachers Unions and Education Systems Around the World. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
Wiborg, S. (2016) ‘Teachers unions in the Nordic countries: solidarity and the politics of self interest’ Chapter 6 in in Moe, T. and Wiborg S. The Comparative Politics of Education: Teachers Unions and Education Systems Around the World. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
Felstead, A., D. Gallie, Green, F. and H. Inanc (2015). “Fits, misfits and interactions: learning at work, job satisfaction and job-related employee well-being”. Human Resource Management Journal. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1748-8583.12071/epdf
Cheng, H., Deighton J., Wolpert M., Chapman B. P., Kornilaki E. N., Treglown L. and Furnham A. (2015), ‘Hay fever in childhood, traits Neuroticism and Conscientiousness as independent predictors of the occurrence of hay fever in adulthood’, Journal of Health Psychology, 2 April 2015, pp. 1-9, 10.1177/1359105315576784
Felstead, A., Gallie, D. and Green, F. (eds.) (2015) Unequal Britain At Work. The Evolution and Distribution of Job Quality Oxford University Press
Franceschelli, M., Evans, K. & Schoon, I. (2015). ‘A fish out of water?’ The therapeutic narratives of class change. Current Sociology, DOI: 0011392/115595064
Green, A.D., Green, F. and Pensiero, N. (2015), ‘Cross-Country Variation in Adult Skills Inequality’, Comparative Education Review, 59, 4, pp. 595-618, 10.1086/683101
Green, F. & Mason, G. 2015. ‘Skills and training for a more innovation-intensive economy.’ In D. Bailey, K. Cowling & P. Tomlinson (Eds.) New Perspectives on Industrial Policy for a Modern Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Green, F. (2015 online). “Health Effects of Insecurity”. IZA World of Labor 2015: 212. http://wol.iza.org/articles/health-effects-of-job-insecurity-1.pdf
Inanc, H., Y. Zhou, A. Felstead, D. Gallie and F. Green (2015). “Direct Participation and Employee Learning at Work.” Work and Occupations. 42 (4) 447-475.. http://wox.sagepub.com/content/42/4/447.full.pdf+html
Keating, A. (2015) ‘Are Cosmopolitan Dispositions Learned at Home, at School, or through Contact with Others? Evidence from Young People in Europe’, Journal of Youth Studies
Schoon, I. (2015). Diverse Pathways: Rethinking the Transition to Adulthood. In P. Amato, A. Booth, S. McHale, & J. Van Hook (Eds.), Families in an era of increasing inequality: Diverging destinies. (pp. 115-136). New York: Springer
Schoon, I. (2015). Gender and the transition to adulthood: A diverse pathways view. In Robert Scott and Stephen Kosslyn, Hoboken (eds.). Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource. (pp 1–15). NJ: John Wiley and Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781118900772.etrds0138
Wiborg, S. (2015) ‘Privatizing Education: Free School Policy in Sweden and England’, Comparative Education Review, 59 (3) 437-497
Wilde, R.J., Green, F., Taylor-Gooby, P. and Wiborg, S. (2015), ‘Private Schools and the Provision of “Public Benefit”‘, Journal of Social Policy, published online 10 December 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0047279415000719
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Parker, P.D, Bodkin-Andrews, G. Marsh, H.W. Jerrim, J. and Schoon, I. (2013), ‘Will closing the achievement gap solve the problem? An analysis of primary and secondary effects for indigenous university entry’, Journal of Sociology, 44, 5, pp. 801-825, 10.1080/03057925.2013.780874
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Cheng, Bynner, J., Wiggins, R. and Schoon, I. (2011), ‘The Measurement and Evaluation of Social Attitudes in Two British Cohort Studies’, Social Indicators Research, 107, 2, pp. 351-371, 10.1007/s11205-011-9852-3
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Janmaat, J.G. (2011) ‘Ability grouping, segregation and civic competences among adolescents’, International Sociology, 26, 4, pp. 455-482, 10.1177/0268580910393044
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Schoon, I., Starkey, H. and Green, A. (2010) ‘Leaving School Early – and Making It!’, European Psychologist, 15, 4. 283-292, 10.1027/1016-9040/a000063
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Evans, G.W., Ricciuti, H.N., Hope, S., Schoon, I., Bradley, R.H., Corwyn, R.F. and Hazan, C. (2009) ‘Crowding and Cognitive Development: The Mediating Role of Maternal Responsiveness Among 36-Month-Old Children’ Environment and Behavior, 42, 1, pp. 135-148, 10.1177/0013916509333509
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